Using the new


  1. Visit
  2. Select “Member Login” Button on top right.
  3. Enter your email address as a first-time user; Leave Password Blank; Click “Login.”
  4. Check the link in your email to set your password.
  5. Don’t know what email address we have on file for you? Give us a call at 218-879-5633
  6. After you are logged in
    1. Use “Member Portal” Link at the top to see.
      1. Your MLEP training status/record
      2. MLEP hours remaining this year.
      3. Last FMG completed, Last OSHA Completed
      4. Currently registered classes (left column)
      5. Historical Transcript
    2. Click on the “View Profile” link in the first grey box
      1. Click on “Edit’ on the right of the grey bar to update your personal record
    3. If you are an owner/primary contact, then click on the “My Company” link on the top bar.
      1. Click on “EDIT GENERAL INFORMATION” in the first grey bar.
        1. Review, update and save company/firm information.
      2. Click on “EDIT GENERAL INFORMATION” in the first grey bar.
        1. Click on “VIEW COMPANY ROSTER” in first Grey Bar
        2. Click “Edit company roster” to remove people no longer affiliated with you by checking the box in the DELETE COLUMN and then the DELETE Button
        3. Click “BACK TO SUMMARY’
      3. If you want to ADD or change PRIMARY Contacts with someone who is already with your or another firm, contact us at or 218-879-5633
      4. Click ADD in the COMPANY ADDRESS to add any alternate company address
      5. Under the CURRENT MEMBERSHIP row you will be able to Renew or upgrade your membership. We’ll be sending notices in November.
  7. To Register for a course
    1. Visit “CALENDAR” to see offerings by date.
      1. Check or uncheck categories beneath the calendar and then the “Filter” Button to dial in on LogSafe, MLEP, Outside Credit, etc.
      2. Click on a session
        1. Review the Date, Time, location, and overview.
        2. Click the back arrow to go back to the calendar, or
        3. Click “Back to Course” to find an alternate session of the same course, or
        4. Click on the “Registration” link (Next to the Red “Event Overview”)
        5. Choose the appropriate Register button
        6. If you are a primary contact for the company, you can choose yourself, yourself and others, or others only
        7. Review Contact information
        8. Click Proceed
        9. Although you can add other registrants and pick other courses, we recommend you click proceed and enter all people for a single course/session in one transaction and then return to the calendar or workshop list for any other courses.
        10. You’ll receive a confirmation email. Then after we have processed you will receive an “approval” email.

When to call or email instead of using MLEP.ORG

  1. Someone has joined your team, but they are still connected with a different firm.
  2. Your email address was affiliated with another person in addition to you and that person doesn’t have an email address of their own.
  3. You need to cancel a registration.
  4. You are or have gone out of business, retired, won the lottery, or otherwise want us to stop communicating with you
  5. You are on the landing waiting for your skidder operator to get there with the next load, have fair cell signal, and remember that you need to get signed up for 6 MLEP hours yet this fall.

MLEP.ORG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How do I find out what I still need to take?
    • Login; Click on “Member portal” on the top; Look in the first grey box to see how many MLEP hours, if any, you need; the last year you took FMG and that your most recent LogSafe attendance records
  • Okay, but what about the people on my crew?
    • Login; My Company; View Company Roster; Click on team member’s last name; Scroll to the bottom.
  • That’s cumbersome? Can’t we get a one-page report of everyone on our crew?
    • Not yet, but the programmers are working on that added functionality.
  • We aren’t Loggers – What does this site mean to us?
    • Procurement Foresters, Certified Landowners, and appropriate governmental entities will have the opportunity to build a list of your operators/supplies where their real-time training status can be checked. Here, too, we are working with the programmers to refine some reporting tools.
  • It would be helpful if we had a page/report that told us….
    • Then let us know at or 218-879-5633 and we’ll see if the functionality can be added.
  • There used to be a link to {Insert link to obscure training resource from sometime over the past 3 decades), but now I can’t find it. Can you help?
    • Yes. We can. Especially if you know that the old link was. Email us that link and a brief description of what you are looking to find. We’ll jump into the MLEP way-back machine and find the resource for you. Assuming it is of interest to others, we’ll get it added to the “Resources” tab.
  • Picking a class by a title is tough. Can’t you tell me more about what we’ll be doing?
    • Yes. Click on the title in the calendar or click on the course title or session title under “Resources” and you’ll find more about the course.
  • We kind of like the online course offerings. Where are they?
    • The legacy online courses are available by mousing over “Workshops” and then selecting “Online Courses.” Yes, we’ve been promising new online content all year. No, we don’t have it built yet. Yes, we hope to get some of the new ones onto the new site – ideally in November.
  • Why are you dragging your feet on posting online courses?
    • We’d like to see everyone at an in-person workshop or conference and believe this setting to be the best setting to “Set the Standard in Logging Professionalism.” And you don’t get a meal when you do an online course. 


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