2023 Forest Management Guidelines (FMG) Field Day - Cloquet
This event is now closed.
Event Date: 10/12/2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
University of MN Cloquet Forestry Center
175 University Road
Cloquet, Minnesota
Event Overview
An in-person workshop focused on Minnesota’s forest management guidelines. These workshops will take place primarily in the woods and are targeted towards foresters, loggers, and other natural resource professionals. The content of the workshop will focus on timely areas of the FMG training, which you may have taken last in the last year, last decade, or last millennium. This workshop supplements but does not supplant the FMG or eFMG training that is required to become a Qualified Logging Professional. If you need to complete eFMG training, visit here.
Click here to view the FMG podcast, which is intended to provide a quick review of the guidelines prior to attending the in-person workshop.
Agenda: Across stations both indoors and at field sites, attendees will learn about FMG topics relevant to the area near the training site.
Non-Logger looking to register: Visit SFEC
An in-person workshop focused on Minnesota’s forest management guidelines will be held on October 12, 2023, at the UMN Cloquet Forestry Center. This workshop will take place primarily in the woods and is targeted towards foresters, loggers, and other natural resource professionals. The content of the workshop will focus on wetland identification and crossings, on-site infrastructure, and leave trees.
Click here to view the FMG podcast, which is intended to provide a quick review of the guidelines prior to attending the in-person workshop. For questions about this workshop, please contact Anna Stockstad at stock523@umn.edu or 218-726-6466.
Agenda: Across six stations both indoors and at field sites, attendees will learn about the planning process; wetland importance and field identification; roads, landings, and skid trails; erosion control on wetland and stream crossings; and leave trees. Click here to view the full agenda as well as the material we will cover throughout the day.
Cost: Thanks to support from the Minnesota Forest Resources Council, there is no fee to register for this event. Registration is capped at 50 on a first-come (25 loggers and 25 foresters), first-serve basis; all subsequent registrants will be placed on a waitlist.
This Workshop filled quickly, if you would like to be waitlisted, click here to contact SFEC
Location: Cloquet Forestry Center