Grand Rapids OSHA - Morning Session
Event Date: 4/25/2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Timberlake Lodge
144 17th St SE, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Event Overview
This class will provide an overview of general safety topics related to recent work comp injuries and claims for the logging industry in Minnesota. Topics to be covered may include: preventing equipment fires, slips and falls prevention, emergency response call systems, hydraulic safety, tire maintenance safety, general health and personal safety, GHS labeling systems, first aid kit requirements, emergency planning and communication strategies, stress management and other topics as deemed appropriate to address trends in logging safety. Topics covered during individual classes will vary due to instructor availability. Will address concepts related to 2022 SFI Standards.
On dates with both a morning and afternoon session you need only attend a morning or afternoon session. This is a change from prior years. You only need to attend OSHA or First Aid / CPR in any given year.
Event Date: Friday 4/25/2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online Registration | |||
Logger Member Fee (Member): Free | Register |
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Non-Member Logger Fees (Non-member): Free | Register |
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NonMember- NonLogger Fees (NonMember - NonLogger): $250.00 | Register |
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Member - NonLogger Fee (Member - NonLogger): Free | Register |