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Finland First Aid / CPR

Event Date: 4/22/2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Finland Community CenterThe Clair Nelson Community Center
6866 Cramer Rd
Finland, Minnesota


Event Overview

Participants will learn to respond to cardiac, breathing and first aid emergencies with and without the availability of an AED device. First aid will cover bleeding emergencies, burns, head injuries, heat and cold injuries and basic wound care until help can be attained. Attendees will practice and discuss communication strategies and possible limitations, emergency response time and other issues related to remote work locations. The session will include certification from a nationally recognized certifying entity. Each participant who successfully completes the training and related assessments will be issued an electronic Basic CPR and First Aid card indicating class and date of completion. An email address must be on file with MLEP to receive this card. Those without email addresses on file will have their completion recorded in the MLEP database. This class is a skills-based class and class length will be based on the amount of time required for attendees to successfully demonstrate the required skills. This class meets the OSHA Logging Standard 1910.266 requirement for CPR/First Aid certification.

On dates with both a morning and afternoon session you need only attend a morning or afternoon session. This is a change from prior years. You only need to attend OSHA or First Aid / CPR in any given year.



Online Registration

Member Logger Fee (Member): Free Register

NonMember Logger Fee (Non-member): Free Register

NonMember NonLogger Fee (NonMember - NonLogger): $125.00 Register

Member NonLogger Fee (Member - NonLogger): Free Register

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