Membership in MLEP belongs to the legal entity. This might be a sole-proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, LLP, COOP, etc. All memberships are calendar year based and not pro-rated. Please find the category below that best fits your operation. Scroll down to select the category that is the best fit.
Logger Membership
A logging business is an entity that:
- Purchases stumpage and/or is an independent contract logger,
- controls timber harvesting, and
- owns timber harvesting equipment.
An operation that meets the three above requirements but also considers their operation a wood dealer or a trucking operation should enroll as a logger.
Click here to complete a logging membership application.
Wood Dealer Membership
A wood dealer is an entity that does not meet one or more of the requirements listed above to be defined as a logging operation, yet still purchases and or sells stumpage and/or timber.
Click here to complete a Wood Dealer membership application.
Trucking Membership
A trucking business is an entity that:
- Hauls wood as an independent contract hauler,
- controls timber hauling, and
- owns trucking equipment.
An operation that meets the three above requirements but also considers their operation a wood dealer or logger should apply in the category that best fits its business.
Click here to complete a trucking membership application.
Consumer Membership
A consumer is an entity that:
- Is a primary, or
- Secondary consumer of forest products
Click here to complete a consumer (mill) membership application.
Landowner Membership
The Landowner membership category is best suited for an entity that is not a logger, wood dealer, or consuming mill.
Click here to complete a landowner membership application.
Associated Forestry Professional Membership
An associated Forestry Professorial could include:
- Consulting Foresters
- Other Industry Forestry Professional not otherwise connected with a member firm
Click here to complete a Associated Forestry Professional membership application.
Affiliated Entity Membership
An affiliated entity may include:
- Governmental units that are not landowners
- Vendors and suppliers to MLEP or MLEP members
- Sponsors or funders
- Education, Research, Conservation, etc.
Click here to complete a Affiliated Entity membership application.
Membership Rates
Loggers |
Large Loggers |
$500 |
Annual production of 1,000+ Cords |
Small Loggers |
$250 |
Annual production of <1000 cords |
Wood Dealers |
Large Wood Dealers |
$500 |
Annual sales of 1000+ Cords |
Small Wood Dealers |
$250 |
Annual sales of <1000 Cords |
Truckers |
Large Truckers |
$500 |
2 or more trucks |
Small Truckers |
$250 |
Owner Operator |
Landowners |
Benefactor |
$5,000 |
Corporate |
$3,500 |
Sustaining |
$1,250 |
Company |
$500 |
Affiliate |
$300 |
Non-Industrial Private Landowner |
$50 |
Consumers |
Benefactor |
$5,000 |
Corporate |
$3,500 |
Sustaining |
$1,250 |
Company |
$500 |
Affiliate |
$300 |
Affiliated Entities |
Benefactor |
$5,000 |
Corporate |
$3,500 |
Sustaining |
$1,250 |
Company |
$500 |
Affiliate |
$300 |
Associated Forestry Professional |
Associated Forestry Professional |
$175 |