Forest Management Guidelines Online Training


For Training:

Other Resources:

Welcome to the official online Minnesota Forest Management Guidelines eFMG training course.

This training utilizes YouTube videos and a quiz based format.  You will need a copy of the Minnesota’s Forest Management Guidelines Quick Reference Field Guide (also known as the Pocket Guide) to actively complete the course. The quizzes require you to look at this publication for answers.

To obtain credit for completing this course, you will need to successfully complete ALL of the modules below with a passing score. Upon successful completion of each module, you will receive a Module Completion Code in the course feedback portion and as a email.

The codes must be entered into the Final Exam module to finalize the course.  All codes must be entered to receive credit for the course.

This course can be completed on a computer, tablet or cell phone with good internet service and sound. We recommend using a computer or tablet.. Audio is recommended, however you can uses the Closed Captioning (CC) link on the bottom right of a YouTube video to be able to read the audio portion of the videos.

Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a certificate of completion via email. It is recommended that you save a copy of this certificate. The course automatically notifies MLEP when an individual successfully completes this training for credit upon completion of the Final Exam. 

All modules and quizzes must be completed individually for credit.

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